Monday, May 11, 2009

Pregnancy: 32 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: 13kg (28.66lbs - it sounds so much better in kg's!)
Baby size: 28cm (11.02in) head to butt
Baby weight: 1.7kg (3.75lb)

Aaron and I have decided to use cloth nappies (well, Aaron doesn't really want to be shaking poo into the toilet instead of just folding up a disposable nappy, but I said he could take off the nappy, then give it to me). Aaron was asking me how much we would save this way, so, bored at work one day, I decided to do a comparison. The cheapest bulk buy disposables I could find came out at 31 cents per nappy, which on average would cost about $1355 per year, times 2 years (I'm not quite sure when you start potty training, but we'll go with 2 years to make things easier...) = $2710. Then of course, when you have another baby, you need to pay all of that again. My preferred brand of cloth nappies (the fitted, absorbent, waterproof outer layer, soft inner layer, with moisture catching inserts kind), Pea Pods, are $499 for 25 of them (including inserts, etc.), which accommodate baby from newborn to 9 months. Then you get another kit for the same price, which accommodates 9 months to 3 years (in case you have a very large baby, or a slow learner...). Total $998. Of course, you then get to use the same nappies for your next child(ren). I haven't factored in washing costs, mainly because I can't be bothered, but also because I have no idea how much money a load of washing costs. Detergent is pretty cheap, and you only need to wash them in half strength detergent, and we don't pay for water, it is included in the rent, then I will hang them on the line to dry. So, I can't see the washing costing $1700 over 2 years. I'm pretty sure we don't pay that much for electricity for 2 years of electricity as it is.

We went to our Antenatal class as usual on Thursday. This time, we learned about pain relief options and techniques. The teacher brought in a TENS machine (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) and let us try it out. When it got around to me, I put it on my arm (in labour you put it on your lower back, but the arm is easier for a trial), pushed the button, and turned the dial. I felt absolutely nothing. I kept turning. Nothing. I turned it all the way up, and still nothing. I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong with me. Then someone realised that the machine had come unhooked from the pads attached to my arm. Relief, nothing wrong with me after all. I plugged it back in, turned it on, and startled every single person in the class when I jumped so far out of my seat I almost hit the ceiling. I didn't know I could jump that high. Usually I can't jump very well at all (height wise, I'm sure I could cover some ground if I wanted to). I forgot to turn the dial back down to minimum output before plugging it back in.... It didn't hurt, but boy did it startle me (and everyone else)! Later in the class we had big posters that we had to fill out as groups. One poster for each type of pain relief, with the pros and cons for mother, and for baby. One cheeky group put risk of electrocution - like Sheri, as a negative for the TENS machine. We are going to hire one of these contraptions, so at least I've learned what not to do with it!

The hospital also wanted us to know the full weight of making the decision to get an epidural. One nice male volunteer had to go before the class and don a lovely "sympathy belly." Anyone who has seen '10 Things I Hate About You' has seen one of these. The weighted vest with boobs and pregnant belly. Male Volunteer (can't remember his name at the moment) then had to sit in a chair while teacher told us everything that happens when you get an epidural, complete with mock IV lines, etc. By the end, I was determined not to have an epidural even more. Not only do you have the epidural itself (which is a hideously large hollow needle that, surprise!, has a tube inside that stays in your spine (well, not actual spine, but just outside the spinal column) so they can top it up), but you will also need a catheter (as you can't feel your lower self, and therefore can't feel your bladder and may well wee all over yourself, the bed, and everyone else), an I.V, and maybe something else too (I can't remember). Male Volunteer looked rather like a science experiment by the time everything was attached. There were tubes and things everywhere. Not only that, but they actually passed around an epidural needle. How to really really scare a pregnant woman: show her an epidural needle!!! OH MY was that thing GINORMOUS!!! Teacher (can't remember her name either...) said we should all have a plan in place before labour and tell our partners our wishes. I told Aaron to only let me have an epidural if I was screaming for one, and we had tried every other possible pain relief method (TENS, bath, position, massage, gas, morphine (they don't use pethadine anymore), etc.), and was still screaming for one. I figure if that is the case, then I must really really need one. There is no other possible way I want all those needles anywhere near me (unless I have to have a Caesar, then I don't really want to have my belly cut open without one. I think that would be far worse...).

On a better note, I tried the slow cooker (or crockpot for you americans) for the first time last week. I had my reservations, but I think my chicken stroganoff turned out quite tasty. It was so easy too; mix everything up, put it in, go about your daily business, then dish it up 5-6 hours later. Easiest home made dinner ever! I think it will come in very useful when Mushi is born.

Speaking of Mushi, his/her favourite new position seems to be foot in my right rib. It is rather uncomfortable, but at the same time, I still like feeling him move, to know that he is still alive and doing well in there. There's nothing like feeling your baby moving around in your uterus. It's also fun to feel my belly with my hand while he is moving. Then I can feel it from the inside and out. I can push on most of my belly which will be relatively pushable, then I come to a foot or elbow or something, and it is very hard. Aaron also likes to feel Mushi moving. It was quite comical when he decided to turn from head up to head down. My whole belly was moving every which way for a good 10 minutes. Aaron was there to witness it too. I didn't know what Mushi was doing at the time, but realised later that he was correcting his breech position. As I said before: Good baby.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sheri, you look so cute in that purple top/dress. I can't believe how much you have grown! You must be waddling down the street by now! So beautiful! X X X
