Time since birth: 14 weeks
Pppfffllttt. Burp (how do you spell the sound a burp makes??). "Good girl! Get that wind out!" I've noticed that I'm not the only mom that praises her baby for "getting her wind up/out" (burping and farting). Newborns seem to have a difficult time getting their wind out sometimes, so when they do, we let them know how good they are. I still tell Hannah she is a good girl when she burps (I usually laugh when she farts. How such a big noise comes out of such a little baby is beyond me, but it's very very funny. Sometimes she even looks right in my eyes and gives me a really cheeky grin when she farts). So, if we praise our babies for burping and farting, but then get older children in trouble for it, when does it become socially unacceptable? Doesn't it confuse kids that one day they praised for it, the next they get in trouble? When is the cut off for being able to burp/fart in public (and by in public, I mean in front of people other then your family/friends you feel comfortable enough to do that in front of)? How do you explain it to your children after they have been able to do it freely all of their lives?
Ring Ring. I was calling the dentist's office to make Aaron and me an appointment. "I think the line is breaking up," the receptionist said. "No, that's my baby," I replied. Hannah was making so much noise, the lady seriously thought there was something wrong with my phone. Grandma was playing with her, and she just discovered how to squeal in delight. She was pretty much in one giant squeal for about an hour, she was so excited to play with Grandma. I've been trying to get her to do it for me, but she will only do little ones. I guess Grandma is her favorite. She adores Grandma. I tried to film her doing it, but as soon as the camera comes out, she stops what she is doing to stare at it (that goes for still camera's too).
I've been pretty tired this week as Hannah was having a growth spurt. She was waking up 2-3 times per night (she usually wakes up once or if I'm lucky not at all). Babies have a growth spurt at around 3 months old, and hers was a beauty, she gained 700g in 2 weeks! I haven't weighed her yet this week (I weigh her on Wednesdays), but I think she has gained a fair bit this week too. She weighed 5.8kgs last week, so maybe she will crack 6 this week.
It was 9pm, an hour past my bedtime (no laughing, Hannah goes to sleep at 7, so if I want a decent nights sleep, that's just what I have to do). Following the instructions I got from the Google (haha), I was still getting us nowhere. The Jess pulled into a 7-11 to get some gas. I called Aaron and told him where we were. He got on google maps and laughed. "You're like 3 streets down from where you're going." "But we've been down the road twice, and I haven't seen the street we're looking for." He had to explain it to me about 3 times (I'm very special with directions... I don't know how I was ever a pizza delivery girl). The road we were on turns to the left, and goes straight. We were supposed to go straight instead of veering left (road designers, why, oh why would you do that? One road does not need 3 different names in one mile!). Finally, back on track.
There was a van in the driveway, and the lights in the house were on. "There wasn't supposed to be anyone home," I said to The Jess. "Well, I drove you all the way here (which wouldn't have been far had it not been for my special interpretation of the google directions), we have to get it now." "Ok, let's go." We light-footed our way to the garage. We could see someone sitting on the couch. "Maybe he's house sitting, I was told they aren't coming home until tomorrow." "What should we do." "Let's just keep going." It seems the man on the couch was either ignoring us or had really really bad peripheral vision. We grabbed the some pieces of the cot and snuck back to the car. I was a little afraid the man would be waiting for us with a baseball bat when we went back to get the rest of the cot. Luckily he wasn't. "I don't know how he didn't see us, but I really don't think he did." "That, or he knows we are there, but doesn't want the social awkwardness of saying anything." "Maybe." We got the rest of the cot, loaded it up, and drove off. I sent a text message to the cots owner, letting her know that we picked it up. She was away until the next day, but told me I could go ahead and grab it out of the garage if I wanted to. We did feel a bit like robbers though, since there were people there.
The next day, I got a text message from the cots owner. She said her husband was home at the time and hosting a bible study. She said we were good robbers, no one saw or heard us even though we were right there and could see someone through the sliding door. Don't worry, we have no plans of getting into that line of work....
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