I don't really know what's going on. It's 5:30 in the morning and Mommy and Daddy are getting things from my room trying to be quiet but not succeeding. I wake up of course, and to my surprise, they pick me up, change my nappy, and put me in the car. Grandma is here too. I'm really excited. I know they want me to go to sleep in the car, but how could I?
We went in a really big room with lots of windows with strange huge car type things (only very funny looking) outside. Mommy walks me around the building pointing to the strange cars. She tells me they are airplanes and that we are going to ride on one with Grandma. I'm a little confused though, I thought I was an airplane? Mommy and Daddy often lay on their backs and put me on their knees and move their legs around and say I'm an airplane (or aeroplane if it's Daddy) bubba. So if I'm an airplane, how can this giant car be one too?
Someone says that the airplane is delayed because it needs to do a "high powered engine run." Whatever that is. "Lucky I brought her food." Mommy says. We go in the mothers room and Mommy tries to give me some booby. I'm still so excited for whatever we are going to do, so there is no way I'm going to have booby. I eat the avocado and apple that Mommy brought for me though. I can eat that and still look out the window at all of the big giant cars (airplanes?) going up and down.
A loud voice comes on again and says that we can't ride the plane we were going to ride, but that we have to ride a new one, from a different gate, so Mommy packs up me and all my toys and off we go to a big room next to the one we were in before. They say our take off is going to be 3 hours late. Lots of people around us are very cranky and saying rude things and being mean to the people behind the desk. Mommy gets excited though because they give us all meal coupons to use while we wait. I'm even more excited because now I can get away with not taking a nap.
Mommy spreads out my blanket on the floor of the big building and puts my toys on it. I'm having heaps of fun, I get to play with all my toys, Mommy, and Grandma, all while getting to look out a giant window full of giant cars going from the ground to the sky and the sky to the ground (maybe we were in giantville? Am I going to turn into a giant?), and I get to look at all sorts of funny looking and interesting people who all tell me that I am cute and have such beautiful blue eyes. I finally get hungry enough to have some booby just before we get on the giant car/airplane, and when we sit down in the giant car/airplane.
Grandma tells Mommy to have the window seat so that I can look outside while we take off (I wonder what take off means?). "This seat belt is useless!" Mommy says. She attaches it to her seat belt and then fastens it around me. It's really uncomfortable, and I don't think it's really doing much. I wonder why I have to go in that special seat thingy when I ride in Mommy and Daddy's car, but in this giant car/airplane, I get to sit in Mommy's lap with a funny useless seatbelt? I have some more booby and fall asleep.
I wake up and smile at Mommy. I'm happy that I'm still in her lap. Usually when I fall asleep on Mommy, I wake up in my cot. Mommy holds me next to the little window and takes lots of pictures. She says she wants to document my first plane ride (is plane the same as airplane/giant car?). A loud voice comes on saying that we are about to start our decent (whatever that means). Ouch! My ears start to hurt and I cry. Mommy puts her finger in my mouth and I suck. Huh, all better. Mommy always knows what to do! I stop crying. I look out the window and all I see is white. It starts to get bouncy. Mommy says we are going through a cloud. Oh, I get it now, Mommy pretends I'm an airplane when we play airplane bubba, and we are going through clouds! What fun!!! So I'm not an airplane after all, this is an airplane, and Mommy and Daddy just pretend I'm an airplane for my amusement sometimes. Clever.
Mommy and Grandma keep telling me what a good girl I am. Grandma said that if I was older, she'd give me a treat for being so good. I can't wait until I'm older so I can get a treat! That sounds good!
I put my feet on the edge of the platform and hold on to the side. "Now reach out and grab the bar," the man says. I know I have to extend my arm to do so, but it won't budge, it's stuck in the L position. The man assures me he has a hold of my special belt and once again prompts me to lean forward, extend my arm and grab the bar with my right hand. I look down. I'm about 2 stories high, standing on the platform. I'm not afraid of heights, but did I mention that I'm afraid of falling? When I was little, Grandma (not the one in Hannah's story, that is Aaron's grandma) used to take me to swimming lessons. When I passed all of the normal lessons after a number of years, I took diving lessons. Not like SCUBA diving, like diving board diving. I was fine with the normal diving board, but put me on the high dive and I would freak out a little. They had to give me a rubber ducky and tell me to throw it under the diving board onto the side of the pool just to get me to dive off it. I guess it distracted me from the falling part. It worked, but only when I had to throw the ducky.
When I was 18, I went to West Virginia with my Dad. We went white water rafting, but stopped for lunch at a spot where people jump off huge rocks into a deep pool of water below. Everyone did it. I went last. I ran in hopes that I wouldn't be able to stop and would just have to do it. Nope, I stopped dead just before the end of the rock. I stood up there for a good 5 minutes, trying to will myself to jump, but I just couldn't. I had to walk down the long way. How embarrassing....
Now I'm on a platform, 2 stories high, about to try out the flying trapeze. That's right, I'm at circus school, a Christmas present from The Jess. She is here too, as is Trish, Jimmy, and of course, my little girl is watching me to. I can't let her see me fail. The man assures me he has a hold of me, and against my better judgement, I lean forward and grab the bar. He says to reach out and grab it with both hands now. This is even harder. Now I'm completely at the mercy of a random man whose name I don't even know, to make sure I don't plummet face first into the net below. I know, there is a net, and I'm also attached to a rope on both sides of the special belt, but tell that to my fear of falling.
Ok, I have both hands on the bar. "Hup!" the man calls. That means I'm supposed to jump off the platform. I don't go anywhere. He reminds me the call means jump, and calls it again. I close my eyes, and my feet leave the platform. I'm flying through the air, a smile wide on my face, while hanging from the bar. "Hup," he calls again. That means I'm supposed to put my knees over the bar. I hesitate just a little and then find I can't put my knees up. It's too hard if you don't do it at the right time because then you don't have the momentum to do so. I keep trying and trying anyway, but can't do it. I'm really disappointed.
It's my turn again, and this time there is a woman at the top of the platform. Once again it takes me longer then it should to grab the bar, but when the man calls "Hup," she pushes my feet off at the same time. I like this method much better. No room for hesitation. "Hup," I don't hesitate and before I know it, my knees are over the bar. "Hup," I let go with my hands and arch my back. Now I'm hanging by only my knees, 2 stories up in the air, flying on a trapeze. I feel amazing.
It's my turn again, and now we get to try a catch. Everything is going smoothly. "Hup," I'm flying through the air, my knees holding me to the bar, my back arched, my hands reaching. I'm not even sure how it happens, but somehow, my knees leave the bar, my hands reach out, and then I'm hanging by a monkey grip by a man who is hanging upside down from another trapeze. Now there is no containing my smile. I think if it were possible, I could power an entire city with my smile right now.
Other things that happened this week:
I took Hannah to the beach a couple of times, and she loved playing in the sand, but for some reason, even though she loved the water before, she cried both times. The theory at the moment is that maybe her bottom hurts when the salt water touches it. She has nappy rash for the first time in her entire life, and it looks very sore. Poor baby.... She is trying with all her might to crawl, and can now put herself and push ups position, only her hands and the balls of her feet touching the ground. She can easily move herself backwards, but can't quite go forward yet. This morning I saw her go in the proper crawling position, knees under her, arms extended. It's only a matter of time now.... I gave Hannah a rusk this week as she just wants to chew on everything. I gave her paper or cardboard sometimes, but now she has figured out how to get chunks off in about 2 seconds flat and a few times I've had to fish them out of her mouth, so no more paper or cardboard for her. She loves rusk though. As soon as I gave it to her, she put it in her little mouth and chewed and chewed and chewed like she had been doing it her entire life.
Sorry there are no pictures, but we are on holiday and I'm writing this from a borrowed laptop. I will put photos up next week (when you will hear about our 12 hour road trip home. Fingers crossed that Hannah won't mind it too much. She isn't a huge fan of the car).
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