Time since birth: 8 months
"Mum. Mum." I looked down to see Hannah standing, holding on to the chair I was sitting in with a funny look on her face.
"Blleeett." She threw up a little and gave me another funny look.
"BLLLEETT." This time it went all over my pants and the floor.
"What's wrong Sweat Pea." Some times she does little spit ups, but this was not normal behaviour for Hannah. Her little eyes were pleading with me, but I had no idea what she was trying to tell me. She still looked like something wasn't quite right. I patted her back.
Something caught my eye "What's this?" I asked as I reached in her mouth. I grabbed a hold of it and pulled. To my surprise and amazement, and entire unscathed leaf emerged from her mouth. This was no tiny leaf, it was about as long as my forefinger, and as wide as 1.5 of my fingers. Pretty big for a tiny baby mouth.
"Where did you get this from?" We were inside, and as far as we could tell, there was not a leaf in sight. She hadn't been playing outside either, and I hardly took my eyes off of her the whole morning. She hadn't been choking on it, just looked rather uncomfortable as it was in her mouth and down her throat. Cheeky baby.
I think we are living in the apartment of continual disappointment. First there was the mold (that keeps punking us no matter what we do), then the windows that the painters stupidly painted shut (and didn't put the screens back on when they were painting), and the bathroom taps that are so leaky you need super strength to turn them off, the crappy toilet seat that was growing mold under the clear top bit where it was sealed in there and I couldn't ever clean it, the oven that will only work if you set the timer (and I sometimes forget and think it's heating up only to find out it's cold when I go to put dinner in), the fan in the laundry room that sometimes works a tiny bit, but mostly just makes "I'm dying kill me now" noises, the cockroaches that won't go away and poop all over our dishes, the blinds that fell on my head because they weren't put up properly, snails eating all of our mail, noisy old windows that make creepy loud banging noises at the slightest hint of wind, a lawn under our bedroom windows that is supposed to be for our apartment only but other people do loud things like hammering on, and now, to top it all off, we went away for one night, only one night, only to find some sort of maggots crawling all over the ceiling in the kitchen. Not one or two or three, but heaps of them, and moths flying around in the cupboard (so maybe that type of moth comes from maggoty looking things?). It's not like I left food out or dirty dishes in the sink. I did every single dish before we left, and emptied the garbage. I really don't want to know where they came from or why they all of a sudden decided to take over the kitchen. Let's just say there were lots of scared girly noises with flailing arms made by me, and then Aaron walking on the kitchen benches in order to get and kill all of the disgusting little maggoty things. Can't wait to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that babies have go go gadget arms. Things that should be very much out of Hannah's reach seem to always make their way into her inquisitive little hands. She somehow managed to reach all the way up to the tray of her highchair to pull off a magazine. It's only a portable, goes on top of a normal chair high chair, so it's not as high as a normal one, but still, the tray is way above her little head.
Hannah has turned into quite the little chatter box, mostly when we're in the car. She usually says Mum repeatedly, but can also say: Dad, bum, bubba, and what sounds remarkably like hi, but isn't quite.
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