Monday, September 21, 2009

Time since birth: 11 weeks
Weight loss this week: can't remember and since there is a baby on my boob I can't go look....

"Ouch!" What the.... I looked down to see why my my boob was suddenly in pain. First in my line of sight: nipple. Below my nipple was Hannah, sucking away hungrily. Hannah is a self latching, all i do is put her near the nipple and bang, she does the rest. Sometimes though, she does it sleepily with her eyes closed, resulting in the hickey below my nipple.

Aaron and i would really like to go out for the evening and let The Jess babysit Hannah, but Hannah absolutely refuses to take a bottle. We're not even trying to give her formula, but expressed mommy milk. I tried expressing then giving it to her straight away. Fail. I got a special teat that acts and feels like a nipple. Fail. She screams if the bottle even comes near her. I guess she likes my boobies too much.

It's the best feeling when your baby smiles at you. Sometimes she smiles so big she has to shut her eyes to accommodate her rising chubby cheeks. Hannah has also started giggling. Grandma was in Hannah's room chatting with her (she answers back with her cooing) and i heard a very loud excited giggle even though i was in the living room. Yesterday i read her a very colourful baby book called "The magic bus" (not to be confused with the magic school bus. "The magic bus" is way better as it's bus is bright purple) which she absolutely loved. She giggled at every page.

I was walking to the bus stop from the shopping centre when i spotted something odd in the window of the discount beauty products shop. Placenta cream. I really should have read the back of the container, there are just so many questions! Is it made from placentas? If so, human, or animal? Is it a foreign product that was simply lost in translation? What is the cream used for? Oh, how I should have checked....

If you have a baby, I highly recommend the book "What to expect in the first year." It has a month by month guide, with FAQ's, and also what your baby should be doing, what it is probably doing, and what it may be doing at that age. I'm happy to report that Hannah a clever little girl. not only has she done most of the things for her age, but also some of the stuff that older babies do as well (i.e. holding her head in place while I pull her up by her hands from laying down to standing up. Sometimes she even engages her little tummy muscles as well and helps me help her stand up in addition to holding her head straight). She can hold up all of her weight if I help her stand (all I do is balance her, she takes all her own weight). She is a very clever girl. She has also discovered her that her hands are indeed her hands. She loves to intertwine her fingers and hold her hands together, and then stuck on the intertwined fingers. She may not grasp toys yet (unless I put them in her hands, then she will hold them for a short period of time), but she grabs my clothes, fingers, hair, etc. She's such a good little girl!

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